Planning A Trip To Venice, Italy? Don't Forget Burano...

Have you heard of Burano? It's a small island just off of the coast of Venice. The islands of Murano and Torcello are the two most common islands usually found on travel itineraries but Burano is a place that should be added to your places to see when visiting Venice.
Burano is a small village comprised of brightly painted homes and buildings. It is an island in the Northern Venetian Lagoon, 11 Km northeast of Murano and Venice. The common folklore is that in days of old, the colored buildings served as landmarks so the the fishermen were able to find their way back home after being out at sea. Whether there is any truth to this is irrelevant. This is simply a remarkable place to spend time. In all of my traveling, I have never witnessed a city, town, or village with a kaleidoscope of colors like you will see in Burano.
The island is small as there only a few main streets. The times I have visited Burano, I have walked for hours through the streets and along the canals exploring the wonders of this quaint village. There are only a few main streets but many side streets and alleyways. It is a pedestrian village for the most part and there is an amazing variety of unique photographic compositions while getting lost in this world of colors. I cannot imagine a trip to Vernice without spending a day in Burano.
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